Solving the Mystery of Hot Spring ColorHot SpringsHot Springs Science Project: What are hot springs? Bathclin explains.
The Surprising Origins of Bathclin!Bath additiveThe Bathclin story takes us back to 1930, but how does our tale begin?
Beyond sulfur: uncovering the varied fragrances of Japanese onsenHot SpringsEnjoy the ongoing findings of Bathclin’s project to research Japanese hot spring bathing culture!
Learn About and Enjoy the Benefits of Hot Springs!Bathing tipsHot Springs Science Project: What are hot springs? We’ll share our findings from years of research.
The Trick to a Truly Satisfying FootbathBathing tipsWith a dip in the right footbath you can soak away the aches of the day right away.
Become an Expert in Classifying Onsen!Hot SpringsLet's look deeper into what makes an “onsen”
The Secret to the Perfect Bath for your Skincare RoutineBathing tipsYour bath really does make a difference to your skin! Learn the right and wrong way to take a bath for great skincare.
A Masterclass in the Effects of Six Bath AdditivesBath additiveDid you know there are many kinds of bath additives? We explore what each one does.
The Sensations of Onsen WaterHot SpringsHot Springs Science Project: What are hot springs? Bathclin explains.
Just What Makes a Japanese Onsen?Hot SpringsWhat is Required to be Considered an “Onsen”?